Chuck, Donald,
I suspect that one's viewpoint is largely the product of one's personal history.
I certainly don't begrudge the good fortune that Chuck has had in advancing his collection. The fact that he has what he does reflects his dedication and persistence.
Having recently been summoned back by the call of vintage bicycles, I can also appreciate the frustration that one can feel when attempting to acquire correct replacement parts. I can find plenty of Shimano, Sun Tour, and even some Raleigh and Simplex replacement parts at my LBS - but Campagnolo? Ha! The owner told me that several years ago, someone came into the shop, offered him cash for everything he had that was Campagnolo. Made him an offer that was too good to refuse at the time. I suspect that this has happened many other places too. The days of finding a cache at an old bike shop are almost certainly all behind us.
Does this make Chuck bad? No. Does this make Donald's point invalid (in general rather than this specific instance)? No. Will complaining change anything for the better? No.
Happy New Year everyone!
John (all my Campagnolo parts fit into a juice glass
with plenty of room left over, yet somehow, life does
go on) Barry
Mechanicsburg, PA
> Donald Gillies wrote:
> >
> (snip)
> > 3. It is HARMFUL to stockpile vintage parts and
> grouppos in a drawer
> > somewhere, "just in case" you need them some day.
> In fact, it
> > encourages others to strip down original bikes and
> sell off the parts,
> > because the hoarding contributes to a vintage
> parts shortage.
> >
> > It would be far better and more friendly to the
> vintage bicycle
> > market to stock modern replacement parts or
> generics as riders -
> > where possible - as spares. Nearly all CR
> sponsors sell these parts.
> >
> > I know it doesn't make me popular to say this
> but I believe its the
> > truth.
> Most of the collectors I know got their spare parts
> from bike shops that
> went out of business. That's where mine came from.
> The parts were
> literally going into the dumpster or home with me.
> Or given to me by
> racers that had no use for obsolete stuff.
> Harmful? I'd say you've got to be kidding, but I
> know you're not.
> I help out friends that need parts they can't find
> and they do the same
> for me.
> A shortage of vintage parts??? I don't believe this
> for a second.
> Maybe more accurately, a shortage of cheap vintage
> parts!
> Chuck "people sometimes even give me the stuff"
> Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .
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