I would not rule out that this is a French bicycle! It
looks very much like a road version of my LeJeune track bike,
which I believe was the output of some contract builder in
Saint Etienne. Note the similar lug and seatstay tretment:
> Hmm, French threading but Gipiemme rear DOs and more "Italian
> style" long point lugs. Makes you wonder if maybe this
> isn't French at all, but some other nation that used French
> thread. That would probably be Belgium, Spain or
> Switzerland. This is not Zeus or Razesa, so Spain is
> unlikely, and most of the Swiss bikes used fancy Nervex lugs.
> the least "French" of the French bikes was probably Bertin,
> (I think Andre himself may have been Belgian born), and I've
> seen lower end Bertins marked as made in Belgium. But that
> semi-wraparound seat stay doesn't match anything I've ever
> seen on a Bertin. So maybe this is Belgian, Flandria maybe?
> Regards,
> Jerry Moos
> Houston, TX
> kim klakow <> wrote:
> Howdy Y´all,
> anybody have an idea what this might be? It used to be gold
> until it got
> this red paintjob. the fork was gold too and then got it all
> scraped off.
> Threading is french, rear drop-outs are Gipiemme, front
> Huret. nicely
> wrapped stays. Might these be a give-away. Simple shifter
> braze-on.
> I don´t think it is top of the line tubing, but not all bad.
> To aid you francophiles, ....
> Kim "Marianne" Klakow
> Berlin, East France
> --
> Kim Klakow
> Diplom Grafik Designer
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