In a message dated 12/8/04 4:14:16 PM, writes:
<< At the Masi Lore site Brian Baylis wrote
"Faliero Masi taught me to do it EXACTLY his way and no other....... We used "S" brand 15 ga. stainless spokes, Martano rims, and Campag. small flange 36 hole record hubs. All wheels were built cross 4.">>
<<I always thought that cross 4 on a small flange hub was not a good combination. Since the spoke holes are so close together on a small flange hub, you run the risk of laying spokes over the heads of other spokes. My sense is that most bikes came with cross 3 whether built on high or small flange. Did anyone besides Masi make a practice of building wheels cross 4?>>
If one is careful with the lacing the overlap problem can be avoided. It takes a little extra time (at least for me) but is no huge problem. The biggest problem these days, is finding spokes in the correct length!!
I suspect? my 1971 Peugeot PX-10 had 4x wheels - BUT, the hubs were high flange.
<<Does anyone ride this pattern now?>>
I have an off-topic (mid 90's) Shimano Ultegra wheelset which I laced 4x (rear - drive side) - Nice wheels (GP-4's) and they look good on the Serotta to boot!!
<<Not long ago we established that most, if not all, people could not tell the difference between identical wheels built on high flange and small flange hubs. I know there is a theoretical difference caused by the longer spokes (more give, resilience, a smidge more weight). Can you really tell a difference? >>
I can tell you it is much nicer/easier to build wheels with high flange hubs than with low flange!!! Truing is easier and the build process takes less (sometimes much less) time. My wheels stay true the same amount of time, but the low flange requires more time to build and stress relieve. My experience i.e., ~23 yrs wheelbuilding. YMMV
Chuck Brooks
Malta (most of the snow melted today!) NY