RE: [CR]The Bicycle by R John Way

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]The Bicycle by R John Way
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:46:46 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]The Bicycle by R John Way
Thread-Index: AcTeRNlT9fqi6ImoR8WBX8x9qNhScQAHNeBQ
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

Yes. Good description, but the illustrations in this book are much more refined than the ones on the CR site. If I ever get my scanner hooked up, I'll try and get scans of the better ones, because they really are quite interesting.

Wayne Bingham Lovettsville VA

<< What is interesting is that the book is also illustrated by the author. The illustrations include some very Rebour-esque drawings. >>
>>Mr. Way('s) style is very much reminiscent of Rebour although he uses a slightly heavier & free flowing line and less cross hatching... He used a more engineering-illustrative style which featured exploded views and detail analysis.

I think these are his illustrations of Carltons at the Earls Court Show in the early 1960s:

Dale Brown<<<