The '73 P-15 Paramount I recently got from my friend Ed Reichek in Cleveland came with something I had not seen before, but heartily recommend: It has Matthauser pads, but ones that are fitted into holders that look like Weinmann holders. They are very smooth, well-modulated, and a pleasure to use (with "Schwinn-Approved" CPs, no less). Don't know how old they are, but couldn't figure a way to improve them.
I'd seen (and used on several bikes) the another Matthauser pad, a thin one with its special curved, finned, backing plate and nice-for-the-era spherical washers for proper toe-in. These occasionally delaminated (got unglued). The ones I'm recommending, if you ever run across them, are quite different.
Of course, your mileage may vary. :-)
harvey sachs
mcLean VA