[CR]Monson, MA Swap/Show Report

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

From: "Eric Elman" <tr4play@cox.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <NPEDLCGAOOGCMLKPMGOGIEODCNAA.jim-kerr@comcast.net>
Subject: [CR]Monson, MA Swap/Show Report
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 11:11:01 -0500

What a fun day in the middle of this frigid cold, snowy, and mostly grey New England winter.

My son, Aaron, and I arrived at 6:35am and found a flurry of activity just starting with everyone scrambling for a close parking spot for ease of unloading and also to begin unpacking and setting up. Table secured, we began to unload and bring in a few items, PX10E frameset, one plastic bin of smallish components and a box of junk where I throw all my take off stuff from dump finds, etc. We're talking Dia-Compe levers with safety handles, freewheel spoke guards, rusty toe clips, etc., you get the picture. I told Aaron, he could keep any money made from items sold out of that box.

I then set up my few items quick and just scurried around looking for bargains. Picked up a nice user Ideale 90 saddle (but missed out on the two(!!!) Ideale saddles with aluminum rails in very nice shape for $60 each) for cheap money, a set of black Christophe toe straps, a very nice handle bar mount water bottle cage from the 1950's. I know some other very good deals were found by some other list members too.

Maurice Breshnahan(sp?) and Peter Naiman had the most stuff for sale and they both had a lot of very cool, very nice tidbits at reasonable prices. I had fun talking with Ken Denny who was there selling some neat bits too, I purchased the 1950's water bottle cage from him. Ken also brought along his two Les West Holdsworth Pro's - one his road bike and one a track bike - so, so cool. Maurice had a very nice and very old Bianchi and Peter had a neat Hetchins. Jim Kerr was up poking around and wowing a number of us with his NOS set of Pino quick releases. Ray Homiski stopped by to chat for a while and I met a few CR lurkers that were looking for certain tidbits. Clearly half the crowd was looking for vintage lightweight goods. I got to talking with numerous people and listmembers and all agree that there is clearly a need and enough support to get a good sized vintage lightweight swap going up this way. Lot's of stuff was sold in the first two hours and clearly Peter and Maurice's tables were relatively empty compared to the very begining of the swap.

Overall a small but fun show with about 1/3 of the swap items now being vintage lightweight goods.

Afterwards, Jim Kerr, Billy Rounds and his friend John (last name?) followed me to my house where we spent the next 2 1/2 hours standing around my basement talking, looking at bike bits and talking some more. Very enjoyable day and it was particular treat to listen to Jim and Billy reminisce about East Coast bike shop owners, racers, insiders, etc. from the 1970's. Lot's of stories and lot's of fun.

Oh, and I sold a few bits; Aaron made a killing on the junk!

Finally, apologies in advance to anyone I met or spoke with but forgot to mention in this report.

See you next year?

Eric Elman
Somers, CT