Tom Martin wrote:
> <<But Good Luck to you, and maybe I'll see you on the roads,
> you on your fixie and me on my bent stomper (same thing as
> a straight kicker, Larry).>> snip
> Recumbents are on topic? Chuck rides a recumbent??
> Oh the blasphmey.....
> Tom Martin
> Oakland CA
You didn't read closely enough Tom.
A "bent stomper" is the same thing as a "straight kicker" which is the same thing as a "fixie" which is the same the same thing as a "fixed wheel" in England which is the same thing as a "fixed gear" in the ex-colonies which is the same thing as a "fizzle gizzle" in the hood, Dawg.
The derivation of "bent stomper" you ask. A fixie "stomps a recumbent" in every way but length, weight, and oddness.
Chuck "Youll take my fixie when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!" Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California