... so it´s back to that Haggis I´ve got in my freezer, which is definately on topic.
Kim "Fraser" Klakow Berlin, The Highlands
> Bob Reid wrote:
> >
> > Whilst bordering on completely off-topic, all of these postings are
> > completely hilarious - when you see how easy some folks get their
> knickers
> > (jockey's ?) in a twist over "correct" usage and terminology.
> >
> > To you folks "west of the atlantic" - don't take it personally. "We" 5
> > million scot's only live over the border from the English and have been
> > punished for using Gaelic and traditional Scot's for a long number of
> years
> > - even our National news was forced by "London" to use 'BBC English' for
> > pronunciation, as the Scot's (language) was considered too parochial for
> > broadcasting to errr Scot's ? (plus we were fighting them a few hundred
> > years before they ran into overwhelming friendly fire in Boston - and
> we've
> > even forgiven them - well almost).
> >
> > What has this to do with classic cycling - nothing perhaps except for a
> plea
> > to give this topic up, it's boring - please don't remind me about the
> delete
> > key, and if you expect to get consensus on what to call that 'foo-foo'
> > valve, well pigs may fly and those new fangled derailleurs derail.
> >
> > Bob Reid
> > Stonehaven
> > Scotland
> >
> > "They can steal our freedom, but they can never take our bikes" Mel
> Gibson,
> > well-known Scot's impressionist.
> Ya gotta admit that it's better than the endless thread of how eBay is
> perpetrating a fraud, right?
> Hey, wasn't Flying Scot's slogan on the head badge something like "IF
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .
> _______________________________________________
-- Kim Klakow Diplom Grafik Designer Akimbo71@gmx.net +49172-1786481
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