Re: [CR] Tomas Stahl Columbus, nicht Colnago Tommasini Item number: 36584034...

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 11:52:45 EST
Subject: Re: [CR] Tomas Stahl Columbus, nicht Colnago Tommasini Item number: 36584034...

Mark- You ask a good question and unfortunately I can not answer it. However, I was quite taken by the fact that a great deal of craftsmanship and detail went into this frame when it is "only Aelle" tubing. We had a discussion on the list a couple weeks back about the issue how certain European builders lavish such craftsmanship on bikes made of tubing that we Americans consider "beneath" us. Your sense that the lugs and BB shell share a common history among other marques makes sense to me, as i see no reason why it can't be. In any cae, the frame looks the type that i wouldn't be ashamed to ride if it were only my size. cheers- Dave Anderson Cut Bank MT

In a message dated 2/3/2004 12:11:20 AM PST, writes:

I have a question regarding the following Ebay auction for a Tomas road bike frameset:<blah or Tomas Stahl Columbus, nicht Colnago Tommasini - Item number: 3658403471

This is at least the third (Italian?) manufacturer name that I have seen on mid 1980s bikes built with Columbus Aelle or Aelle-R tubing, that shares the EXACT same slotted cut out pairs under the b.b. shell, and seemingly the same triangle lug windows. The other two bikes are: some of the mid level Torpados, and a Gavel that Matteo a few months ago. I saved detail comparison photos of the Gavel to a couple of Torpados, already wondering back then.

My question is: are these lugs and b.b. shells simply some typically used frame parts in Italy in the 80s, or is there perhaps some sub-contractor connection (i.e. - they were all built in one unnamed shop)?

Surely, others have seen these features before as well, so I'm hoping for some experience and wisdom. Thanks very much...

Mark Agree
Southfield MI USA