Well, Mark.. you nearly got me guessing then but.. have I got news for you!
I* spent a very wayward life looking at bike frames instead of girls' legs until I joined the Clarion and met up with a girl who rode one of those immaculate Frejus Super Corsa frames all polished steel and blue enamel.. and then I had the best of all worlds.
However before I descended to this state of corruption I spent hours just drooling at bikes and ..worst of all keeping a ledger of my "spottings". a ledger I still have to this day, having had the foresight all those years ago of knowing that it would come in handy some day..like today..and whenever my wife has tried to make me throw it away I insisted that one fine day a man living in the far north would ask me about the love of my life ... in the 50s.. the Innanzo Tutto.
First spotted in 1951! The Innanzi Tutto ...in Huddersfield of all places...birthplace of Brian Robinson. Bearing in mind that this sighting came only days after my first glimpse of a Bianchi.. a site for sore eyes after all the Hetchins and Bates we were used to.. the Tutto was superb.And unfortunately it was the only one I ever saw.. or heard of until today. And thanks very much to Steven for the translation because ll now falls into place.
Also written on the frame was BONDUN who was a builder based at Bondun's Lightweights, 12 Kingsbury Green Parade, London NW9. so while Alf Hetchin was looking through his Latin primer for all those exotic names, Mr Bondun browsed the Google book of the day and came up with Innanzo Tutto.
You didn't say what size it is.. I ride 20 - 21..5" but could stretch the old inside leg measurement a bit or put blocks on the pedals, to ride such a frame.
Norris Lockley.. just hoping that I remember it as it was