I have today received a pair of new, if slightly shop worn Maxi-car tandem hubs, the standard stuff, no brake or suchlike fancy things, with 40 holes rear and 48 holes front.
A friend of mine saw them on eBay and got them for me, first time ever I bought something in an electric auction. He was taken in by a wrong description, they were both offered as 48 holes. I certainly do not want to risk sending them back and possibly being without both hubs and money, besides I would hate the hassle.
I have always said I am an eBay dissident, but this settles the matter for good.
Now my request: I would like to swap either the 48 hole front for a 40 hole one, or, of course, the 40 hole rear I have got for a 48 hole one. I myself would prefer to have a 48 hole pair, because I would like to build a spare set of wheels for our Longstaff tandem, but it is ok vice versa.
And, of course, I do hope this counts as flamekeeping as there is no real classic contents in this mail.
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.