This is the eternal debate here. Campy was excellent. Some, like me, think Simplex, Stronglight, Zeus Mavic. Maillard, Galli. OMAS , Gipiemme, SunTour and others were every bit as good. Chuck is usually in the camp that thinks Campy was clearly the best. We'll never all agree on this, but we sure have fun debating it.
Jerry Moos "Back from a ride on my all Campy NR Falcon San Remo" Houston, TX
> "" wrote:
> >
> (cut)
> > As a teen trying to save newspaper route money for these things, we all
> > knew that if you wanted a "real" racing bike, a Gitane was cheap, a
> > a mite more but way cooler and then you had your Schwinns and Raleighs
> > their coveted Campy stuff which just cost a bomb in comparison. And I am
> > not talking so much real quality differences here, just "But I gotta
> > marketing at work.
> I respectfully disagree... there were _real_ quality differences there,
> make no mistake about it. And yes "Gotta have it!" but for a very good
> reason. Whether you could afford it or not was a whole other question,
> of course...
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> .