Re: [CR]Trialtir USA case - request for input....LONG!

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 18:33:58 +0100
From: "renaissance-cycles" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Trialtir USA case - request for input....LONG!
References: <>

Greg! Not sure if you got my last email concerning these guys! Anyway! CR. list here's the scoop that went down with us! One night we had listed 2 framesets, next morning they were gone!?!?!?! Well we thought it was some mix-up. So we had them relisted soon after this email came through about this VeRo progarm!

Soon After Cecile sent off an email stating, if your going to do this then treat everybody the same straight accross the board. We also told them to some degree that there is hundreds and hundreds and perhaps 1000s of these older framesets sitting in shops all over the Benelux and some can be had for as little as $ 150.-. So if you continue this action we'll make a hard go at them and sell them on our site @ $%%(%&%&%$*%&%&. With several thousand customer in the U.S well sell to them from there and ''YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! So in saying instead of worring about a few framesets here and there you should really be more concern about these framesets coming to market.

Bottom line we we're telling them we'll turn your cookie jar upside down and we'll hurt you this way.....With the value of the U.S greenback being as what it is, very low against the Euro............This means higher prices for an already high ticket item, probably would mean less sales for Colnago....................So I don't think they would like seeing these framesets making their way into the U.S...............Several hundred framesets could mean several hundred less framesets that they would not be selling.

Anyway, we never heard back from them. The 2 framesets did continue their ebay ride and they both sold along with a few other follow ups. Now I'm not sure if they got our email, but I would think after having an item removed they would have done a follow up of the items that they had removed under this VeRo program.......So maybe and maybe not!?!?!

PLEASE NOTE!.......What was just revealed and it's text is note the very same as we sent. I'm just going by memory.................One way or another, a Victory for the little guys!

We'll this really pissed me off so sometime soon we'll be adding a Colnago section to our site! Meaning we are going to make a hard go to get some of these framesets going, right now we have one lead with 8 or 10 framesets and another with 5 or 6................So when we see them we will be buying them!.................Yes!.............Charles, we're thinking about that offer.

OK!..................Back to work we go!

BC Baron C.................And the gang!!..............Step on our toes and we look for ways to step back! Renaissance cycles, Eindhoven Holland.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: [CR]Trialtir USA case - request for input

> All:
> I am now hearing from other CR listmembers that have had their listings
> erroneously and summarily cancelled because of these folks' abuse of the VeRo
> system on eBay.
> Anyone that has had an auction cancelled illegally because of Trialtir,
> please contact me off-list with a brief statement of the facts of the particular
> case, and we will build a file in case we need it in the future as part of a
> class-action illegal restraint of trade lawsuit against Trialtir, eBay, and/or
> Colnago.
> We will post a status report to CR soon containing more details of this
> struggle.
> Viva la huelga!
> Greg Parker
> snowy Ann Arbor, Michigan