Re: [CR]Great Ride: San Diego Vintage Ride

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 07:10:27 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]Great Ride: San Diego Vintage Ride
From: <>


Glad you could join us and that you had a good time. Mission accomplished. The weather was perfect, considering it is the middle of winter for most people. We had a slightly chilly wind out on Point Loma, but still comfortable without tights.

We had an auxillery group join us unexpectedly which came from the new bike shop/bicycle cafe here in San Diego. We had a total of 10 or so riders when we left Balboa Park. I don't know the guys from the auxillery except for Rick Guytan and his yellow Hetchins. Pergolizzi was there, as were Charles Andrews, Sterling Peters, Jim Ogden, Steve Six, John Dalldorf, and myself.

We set off through the park and downtown as usual and decended the tricky "s" turn decent of the Presidio at breakneck speed, since it was uncommonly devoid of cars and pedestrians on this fine day. Still kinda scary at speed; that goes TRIPLE if you're on a trike! Once we hit the flats on the bike path west towards Sunset Cilffs Blvd., Pergolizzi starts the typical one speed (all out) cycling style of the bad boy from Brooklyn. Bottecchica John had no problem staying on, nor did the rest of the "oldsters"; but the others weren't apparently ready for the brisk Brooklyn pace. I was OK on the flats; being early in the ride and flat. As soon as we started the climb from the flats up to the point, I was going backwards. There were some behind me; but as frequently happens, I was behind the climbers but ahead of the not climbers. No mans' land; where I just keep a steady pace and hope for the best. I finally hooked up with Sterling near the top of the major climb and rode the rest of the way to the lighthouse with him. No friendly Navy trucks came my way to assist me catching up (and hopfully passing the others as I'm tucked in behind the truck) so we had to do it the old fashioned way.

We regrouped after a 10 minute wait or so and headed back down the hill. It's windy and rolling for a few miles before we make it to the major downhill. I was really hurting. I had to wait for nearly the bottom to wind up the 56 x 11 gear for the high speed finish. Pergolizzi was waiting for my attack way before I was able to muster even the small amount I managed. No juice.

We stopped at Point Loma Seafoods and had lunch. Pricy; but they but an actual fish in the fish sandwhich. Imagine that. Once you get rid of the head and the tail; the rest is quite edible! $6! Ouch. But if it was any fresher, it would have jumped out of the sandwhich and onto the table.

Next come the Brooklyn torture session. Sit around in the wind for a while and eat lunch. Get stuffed and cool down real good. Then light up Pergolizzi and let him go. One speed. Balls out. Never even the slightest consideration for anyones' poor stomach; to say nothing of our legs. By the time we got back to the park my legs REALLY hurt. It was the session on Harbour drive that did it. The final miles easy didn't do a damn thing to flush out my legs. I felt so bad I had to go home and watch the golf match finish up.

But first, Steve Six and myself stopped in at the new Bicycle Cafe for the complimentary coffee or smoothie. What we saw was the new shop under consrtuction as Dave Tartano (of Pedal Pushing Bike Shop in SD) fills up the place with vintage and antique bikes and other toys and collectables. This place is going to be a super treat for anyone who likes cool old stuff. Dave likes cool old stuff, A LOT! I plan to spend a fair amount of time there drinking coffee, checking out really neat toys and stuff, and talking bikes. I will probably spend time there looking for extra spiffy attachments for my "tall bike" I have plans to build as a kinetic sculpture. Dave has the goods.

Out next monthly SD Vintage ride will start at the Bicycle Cafe. The meeting time will still be 9:30am on March 21. I will plan an exciting route for everyone, since these are my stomping grounds. The choices are numerous from this location. We may even climb Mt. Helix one of these days. Make plans to attend next month and you will be pleasently surprized by this vintage oriented bike shop and eatery. Bring some extra money because I suspect you will see something nostalgic that you must take home with you. You will LOVE this place. Also, there will be a grand opening on March 1 if you happen to be in the area. I'm going to check out the festivities.

One more extra bonus. The owner, Dave Tartano is one of the nicest and most reasonable retail persons you will ever meet. He's always more than fair and is a man of exceptionally high integrity. You simply can not go wrong doing business with Dave. A true bike lover and quite knowledgable about a vast spectrum of bikes from 1880's to present.

San Diego is begomming hipper by the minute as a vintage bike town.

Oh John, the weekly Sunday rides from Rancho San Diego (known as the "JB" ride) leaves at 8:00am (not 8:30) from the corner of Jamacha Rd. and Willow Glen (near the Steel Canyon Golf course) from the parking lot of the shopping center at that intersection. You'll do well up the hill to Alpine.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA

-- wrote:

Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the great ride and company today and I look forward to joining again in the future. I was quite surprised and pleased by the pace that was held as I was really expecting a much slower ride due to some incorrect assumptions. Thanks to the group for allowing me to join you.

I believe I was talking to Mike who mentioned weekly Sunday rides from Rancho San Diego that meet at 08:30, could you please send me some more specific details of this location so I can plan to meet up with this group. Also if there is a web page with a schedule and planned route that would be the most ideal.

John Dalldorf
San Diego, Ca
Rider of the red/white Bottecchia