Well, someone pointed out that there is little cycling to report this time of year except cyclocross and maybe European six day races, so maybe that is why all the interviews. Certainly this issue is infinitely better than Bicycling! which once again has begun sending me unsolicited free issues. This time Bicycling! is even more shallow and mindless than last time they sent it free a couple of years ago. What does concern me about Cycle Sport is that, whereas in the past the first couple of pages were Editors comments from Phil Liggett, these are gone, and there is no mention of Phil anywhere. Has Phil been sacked as Editor, or is "Cycle Sport America" now a completely separate publication with a separate American editorial staff? If so, I want nothing to do with it, as I've sadly concluded that we in the US are currently incapable of sustained publication of a decent high circulation bicycle magazine. All recent attempts have either folded or been corrupted into the same garbage peddled by Bicycling! I originally subscribed to the Cycle Sport UK edition shortly before the US edition was introduced. If there is still such an edition with Phil Liggett as editor, then I'll subscribe to it again. It will no doubt be more expensive, but it will be worth it. Anyone in UK know the story with Cycle Sport?
Jerry Moos
Houston, TX
> Now I do not purchase bike magazines often and believe it or not I got
> this one yesterday on a lark. I was just at B&N and picked it up and it
> looked interesting. The lay out does not bother me at all. The classic
> interviews look like they will be interesting. The interviews and articles
> on Lance and Tyler will hold my interest. Great photos. I find it so far a
> pretty good magazine. I use to subscribe to others and stopped because
> they all turned out to be advertisements with a page or two of cycling
> information. This mag has very few ads and mostly bike stuff including
> photos and write ups on 4 team replica bikes now for sale. I think it is
> pretty cool. Of course I got a little sticker shock at $7 for a magazine I
> can tell it has been a while since I purchased one off the rack.
> Ray Homiski
> Elizabeth, NJ