> From: <cjscheiner@pol.net>
> It was recently suggested that it would be helpful to have a data base of
> Claud Butler serial numbers. I would be willing to compile this for bikes
> made prior to 1984. I would ask that people (anonymously if they wish)
> send to me directly (not to the CR List) the model and year (and how they
> know this information) of any Claud Butler bike they are aware of along
> with the serial number (indicating if it comes from the bottom bracket,
> steering fork, or both). The last two digits of the serial number can be
> made xx for those concerned about security.
Cliff, this is a good idea but it might be worthwhile first of all to check
with Norman Kilgariff who has the Holdsworth/CB/Grubb website at:
Norman has been collecting Holdsworth numbers but I don't know if he's extended that to include the other two marques.