RE: [CR]bike boxing

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content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]bike boxing
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:10:38 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]bike boxing
Thread-Index: AcP1lij8nVDH/FOsR6u5HgWwNEw1QgAAo/dg
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

I agree that it is not unreasonable to pay for packing, as long as it is a professional, quality job. Although I have never charged for packing any bikes that I have sold, I have charged for packing bikes for others. If done right, it takes some time. There are also the necessary materials. Most of these are recycled, but some are not (priced quality packing tape lately?). I try to keep one bike box and one frame box on hand, but when it goes I have to go scrounge another, and store it. I also agree with Ray (and others) that quality packing, done so the "assembly" cannot shift during transit, is most important. There's lots in the archives about this, and I also wrote a narrative (Word doc) about packing that I often send to sellers when I'm buying a bike. I'll sent that file to anyone who requests it.

Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA