Re: [CR](CR) Bone Density

(Example: Framebuilders:Masi)

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 10:49:35 -0500
From: "Joe Blow" <>
Subject: Re: [CR](CR) Bone Density
References: <> <006801c3f5db$f1424180$22e0fea9@man>

. I am not a doctor but my wife is currently expeririencing the effects of premature bone density loss but it has something to with other health issues . She does work out habitually and in the past has entered in short , 5 to 10 k running races . But she now has been by told by her sporst doctors not to risk anyhting that would possibly casue her to fall down . From discussing premature bone density loss with her as she is knowledgeful about it since she is experiencing it and she has discussed with many nutrition experts and physicians . She has told me women are much more prone to it especially after menopause and if they are overdoing the aerobic thing . Running ,cycling and the like would be consdiered aerobic I would think . As far what my wife and I have discussed about a TDF cyclist and other marathon type athletes goes we both agreed one would have to be nuts not to think that there is no health risks with riding over a 100 miles day after day for 3 weeks over 20 or 25 mountain passes , eating really not much than vitamin fortifeid energy bars and drinks while doing it or in the case of marathon runners training for and running 4 or 5 five marathons ( or how many those little guys do ) a year . Bone loss with a TDF rider or any pro cyclist who keeps a full schedule and marathon runners is only one of the many long term health risks those things can cause . Putting that in print and trying to get your advertising revenues and subscriptions up is just what it is . A marketing ploy . I stopped reading Bicycling when Bicycling ran amuck with the bicycle seat / impotence scare . Being predisposed for bone loss and being a aerobic type athlete is obviously not going to help you with holding onto your bone density either . Just look at any pro marathoner or cyclist . They are too thin and would not want to have my physique look as frail and emaciated as well over 90 % of them do . Anyhting in excess is bad for anyone . The last thing I worry about when cycling is not bone loss but bone breakage . There are just to many lunatics in cars out there . Most of the people reading this I would think feel the same way . Lead it to bicycling to try and do the fear factor thing once again . Makes me glad I stopped reading it . Mark J Moller , with an inch of snow on the ground out in East Yaphank , NY

----- Original Message -----
From: "P.C. Kohler"
Cc: Classic Rendezvous
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [CR](CR) Bone Density

> What's with cycling? In the late 1960s someone decided all bicycles should
> emulate the basic design and componentry of racing bikes (dropped
> handlebars, derailleur gears etc) regardless of who used them and for what.
> Rather like deciding all motorcars should copy a Lotus Formula III.
> Now "Bicycling" decides apparently that a study of Tour de France riders has
> some import to the rest of us mere mortals. Doubtless we have some jolly fit
> and able cyclists on this board, but I kinda doubt none of us have much in
> common with champion grade cyclists. I, for one, just would look silly in
> those streamlined helmet things... and I am not even "serious" enough to get
> "Bicycling". It's like "Men's Fitness" without the ads for Viagra.
> Peter Kohler
> Washington DC USA