[CR]FS list: Correction, addition

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 15:20:34 -0800
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: Rob Hawks <rhawks@lmi.net>
Subject: [CR]FS list: Correction, addition

I sent the following FS list yesterday, and naturally, I made a mistake in naming one of the items. Below, there will be corrections, additional parts, and additional text for some.

Sorry for the snafu. I've also noted below if certain items have been spoken for, but as people sometimes change there minds, feel free to ask to be notified.


I have a bunch of used parts for sale. Prices do not include shipping. If you see items you are interested in, please give me your zip code so I can confirm the USPS cost. Unless you tell me, I'll be assuming you want Priority shipping. This list will likely show up also on the BOB list, with non-time-line items. Here goes:



Campy, NR, has the post 78 lip on the outside front of the cage. This one is worn but I bet would be fine for a vintage beater. $15

Campy, NR, has the post 78 lip on the outside front of the cage. Bette condition than the one above. $20

Suntour Cyclone, endless band. $5

Shimano 600, for double, probably early/mid 80s. Good condition. $10 (see below for mate for rear)

Rear: Shimano 600, short cage, probably early/mid 80s. Good condition. $15 (see above for mate for front)



Dia-Compe Royal Gran Compe, short reach, allen fitting. Pads still have some useful life. $30

(I don't have the levers for the above, so I lowered the price)

Weinmann Carrera calipers and levers. Hoods are in one piece but are pretty hard. You'd probably want to replace them. These were the brakes and levers that were on my Cinelli when I got it, as the 4th owner of the bike. I am pretty certain that they were added after the fact, so I'm guessing they are from the early to mid 70s. I had originally purchased the bike in 1977. $50

(This one is the one I forgot to list)


Campy Record, levers, no hoods, some road rash. On one it's pretty minor, on the other it's not awful but won't take much close inspection to see it. $25

(someone asked about this one and a couple other things, one of which was taken. I haven't had a chance to hear back if that person still wanted this item)


Campy down tube double cable guide clamp for near BB. New. $10


Campy record pedals. Left has some obvious road rash but these would be quite nice still for a vintage beater bike. $25 (Ditto above for levers)


Campy Nuovo Tipo low flange hubs, front and rear. These look like the NR hubs but do not have the oil ports/clips, don't have the same finish as the NR hubs, and the curved skewers don't use the acorn nut on the end of the cam, but still look decent. British threading, 126mm OLD, 36 hole. $30

(this is the one I made a mistake on.)

Campy NR rear, 126 OLD, British threading w/curved skewer. 36 hole. $25.

Campy NR rear, 126 OLD, Italian threading (I understand that this still works fine when using a british threaded freewheel). w/curved skewer. 32 hole. $25.

Campy NR front, curved skewer 36 hole. $25

(the above hubs have additional info on the skewer)

Phil Wood, old style, front. 36 hole. $25

(This one is probably taken)

Campy record rear, 126 OLD. This is the style that came after the NR I think (and may be out of CR timeline, but I don't know my campy time line that well). 36 hole. Very good condition, and appears never to have been built. $30


Cinelli 1A, 120mm reach. (I bought this a while back, being told it was really, really clean and in great condition. It wasn't). $5

(I think this is taken too)

Cinelli 1R (I must admit I get the designations of the 1R and the other, non 1A confused. This is the one with the internal binder). Silver, 95mm reach. Very clean. $15

Cinelli (same model as above), 110 mm reach. Very clean 110 mm reach. $15


Front and rear, Campy Highflange, British threaded, 126mm OLD rear, 28 hole, laced to grey MA40s, with very, very little sidewall markings. $100

(probably taken)


Suntour freewheel bearing spanner for the New Winner. This is the freewheel with the bearing adjustments on the front of the freewheel. $10

(I have one more of these)

Freewheels, cogs:

I have used, but good condition Winner bodies, and lots of new, unused cogs. If you have a particular 5, 6 or 7 speed arrangement you'd like set up, contact me to see if I have the right cogs for you. If you are only in need of individual cogs for the Winner, New Winner and Winner Pro contact me about that too. Be aware that a few cog sizes are pretty rare these days.

rob hawks
richmond, ca