Yep!....................This be some nice stuff, if when ever here in Europe and want to hunt down stuff like this ''STAY AWAY!'' from the big cities, most of these places has been stripped long ago...............Head for the small towns and Villages that's where some of these goodies can be found. While on the road a few times we took a wrong turn and ended up in a small village!.............Hey! Look there's a bike shop, lets have a go! Walk inside and it looked like a normal mom and pop shop with more bike banners hanging around than bikes! But under and behind the banners the goodies was to be had. In a case behind the counter drapped by a banner loads of NR and Gran sport stuff!................All in their original boxes. Take a look around the room and under the banners was several high end framesets totaling 5, one bike and several framesets. The bike was with mid dated SR components. TALKING ABOUT A TIME CAPSULE!............THIS WAS IT! We take a closer look around a few other nice little pieces starts to come up from the wood work! Old timer come out and says we have more upstairs!....Might I say much OLDER & NICER stuff was to be had. A bigger city several miles away with a much bigger and well know race shop has been gone through by the Germans...................At least this is what they say! Many places that I have visited while on the road, I hear this roughly 50% of the time. German buyers came through awhile back and got most of everything.
Anyway!.............I'm glad to say that the bread and butter of Renaissance is not Vintage stuff as like this older stuff, it's the stuff that we are pushing along at a good clip. Funny thing though many other smaller dealers are still on the trail of the older Vintage stuff and basically leaves the other also goodies behind!..........It fits in with what I stated all along with Cecile if we want to get into this Vintage and Classic bike stuff we just cannot look and push the ''PRIMO!'' stuff. To get a foot in the door we have to think about the others who may need the other stuff as well! They are to be had in much greater numbers and at times with much better margins. Of course when we find these ''PRIMO!'' items by mistake it adds to the fun! I do get jazzed when seeing this stuff but soon after I come back down to earth and proceed down the YELLOW BRICK ROAD!
Goes to show you what can pop up in a moments notice. I just got a note through the grapevine, 60 pairs of MAVIC SSC tubular rims to be had for a ''Goooooooooood price! 10 hard grey and 50 silver! Along with 25 pairs of Raleigh labled tubular rims and a bunch of other goodies?? What kind of Raleigh rims, I have no idea? I'm sure I'll be hearing from some of you about these Raleigh labled rims. OK!....................I'm on the road again heading NORTH!.........Anybody in the Amsterdam aera wants to have a quick cup of coffee, I'm game!
BC Baron C.....................And the gang!!.............Proceeding down the yellow brick road. Renaissance cycles, Eindhoven Holland.
> In a message dated 3/15/2004 5:34:22 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> Since Dirk isn't outing his own auctions, I think it only fair to out them
> for him as he is selling quite a few very interesting bits. Check them all
> at:
> ------------------------------
> Steve's not kidding on this one. Dirks got some mighty fine wares! cheers
> Dave Anderson
> Cut Bank MT