I received this amusing, and completely fraudulent, e-mail regarding the recently concluded ebay auction for Chris Gonzalez's Bianchi Paris-Roubaix.
These things are pretty much no-brainers to spot... but I have to tip my hat to the fraud-ster's imagination. Liver transplant eh? That's a new one. '
Charles Andrews Socal
> Respected Sir,
> Do not reply at this mesage.Contact me at this e-mail
> address: lucy_robert@hotmail.com
> Sorry if i disturbe you but i want to ask you if you are
still interested to buy 1950's BIANCHI PARIS ROUBAIX
CAMPAGNOLO RARE PROTOTYPE Item number: 3665629482 ,
because the winner of the action have a big family problem,
his children have been sick and they must to make a liver
transplant and they don't have money to pay the item and i
understand them. And because you are one of my action
bidders i ask you if you want to buy my item i will sell it
you with 20% disscount of the final price . I wait to reply
me soon if you are still interested to buy them. Thank you
very much and i hope to contact me soon regarding this deal
to this e-mail adress:
> lucy_robert@hotmail.com
> Do not reply at this mesage.Contact me at this e-mail
address: lucy_robert@hotmail.com
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Contact Information for louislot:
> E-mail: chasds@mindspring.com
> ===================================================
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