Re: [CR]LA Times article about the Pasadena ride

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2007)

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 12:51:47 -0800
From: "Chuck Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]LA Times article about the Pasadena ride
References: <>

Stephan Andranian wrote:
> "Plenty of people are fully aware that there is a monthly vintage bike
> ride at the Rose Bowl, but for many reasons they won't attend.
> In other words the reasons for _not_ coming to the ride out number the
> reasons _to_ come to the ride. ("I'm not that good a rider, it's too
> far, my bike is not that neat, you'll laugh at my clothing, you'll drop
> me, it would disrupt my traning, I'm too fast a rider for you geezers
> to
> stay with, I'm washing my hair," etc.)
> It's a guy thing (actually an insecurity thing) in my opinion.
> Chuck "will ride at the drop of a hat" Schmidt
> South Pasadena, Southern California
> *********
> I was proud to say this morning on the club ride that I knew you all when someone mentioned the article to me...or at least have ridden with you on one or two occasions. I usually bring out a retro-bike ("classic") on the Friday rides, and they are as fast as any of the bikes out there.
> Unfortunately, I cannot make the rides, Chuck, for the simple reason that (1) I usually race on Sundays and (2) If I took another day to ride (driving from Costa Mesa to Pasadena and back), I think my wife would change locks by the time I got back! I am already riding 6 days a week.....
> As for the technology, the friction shifting and five (or six, on my newer old bike) speeds is great for the club ride. But for racing, you really can't beat the safety, convenience, and speed of the new stuff. I race mostly criteriums, and it is nice to be able to keep both hands on the bars at all times! That being said, I beat and or keep up with the fastest of them on the Friday rides - which turn into a pseudo race anyways!

Okay you're right Stephan, I missed a couple. What I should have wrote was: In other words the reasons for _not_ coming to the ride out number the reasons _to_ come to the ride. ("I'm not that good a rider, it's too far, my bike is not that neat, you'll laugh at my clothing, you'll drop me, it would disrupt my traning, I'm too fast a rider for you geezers to stay with, I'm washing my hair, I usually race on Sundays, my wife would kill me if I went to the Rose Bowl vintage bike ride, etc.")

PRESIDENT Do you agree with Ben, Mr. Gardiner? Are we finished? Or do you think we can stimulate growth through temporary incentives?

CHANCE (a beat) As long as the roots are not severed, all is well and all will be well in the garden.

PRESIDENT (a pause) ... In the garden?

CHANCE That is correct. In a garden, growth has its season. There is spring and summer, but there is also fall and winter. And then spring and summer again...

PRESIDENT (staring at Chance) ... Spring and summer... (confused) Yes, I see... Fall and winter. (smiles at Chance) Yes, indeed... (a beat) Could you go through that one more time, please, Mr. Gardiner?

RAND I think what my most insightful friend is saying, Mr. President, is that we welcome the inevitable seasons of nature, yet we are upset by the seasons of our economy.

CHANCE Yes. That is correct.

PRESIDENT (pleased) ...Well, Mr. Gardiner, I must admit, that is one of the most refreshing and optimistic statements I've heard in a very, very long time.

The President puts out his cigarette, rises.

PRESIDENT (CONT'D) ... Many of us forget that nature and society are one! Yes, though we have tried to cut ourselves off from nature, we are still a part of it! Like nature, our economic system remains, in the long run, stable and rational. And that is why we must not fear to be at its mercy! (he smiles at Chance, who is absorbed in looking around the room at the books) ... I envy your good, solid sense, Mr. Gardiner - that is precisely what we lack on Capitol Hill. (glances at watch) I must be going. (holds out hand to Chance) Mr. Gardiner, this visit has been enlightening...

Chuck "I like to watch" Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California
