>>>i guess the question should be put straight: so many years after the
original name was sold to mr salm for u.s. consumption, what is there
about these frames - the ebay one or the haro one - that makes them
"gran criteriums"? is it simply based in legal rights to the name?
technically, yes! but is that why folks covet these?<<<
>>>i was just trying to discern the consumer's pov regarding the
strength of the brand versus the fact that the product is so many
generations removed ....... in this era, does that name carry the weight
that it did way back when? e-RICHIE<<<
It's the name. Does the name have value (even considering the points above)? Yes (someone paid someone for it, therefore it has value). Does it have value in the consumer market? Yes, apparently. Is that rational? No. Are purchases made on rational and logical analysis. No, especially when it comes to bicycles. And especially outside this list.
Oh yea. The name thing. Just what is a GC anyway? A Prestige is a GC with another name, 'cause the name had been sold to CA. The last Italian GC and the first Prestige were likely pretty identical frames. What's the difference? The name. Which is more desirable/collectable? Hummmm.... Now we're back on the other side of reality.
Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA