Okay, I'll play. No favorites (all are favorites until I have to sell or trade to make room for others). Who's compiling all this?
Wayne Bingham Falls Church VA
Complete Bikes
1972 Charles Martin (modified - city bike 5sp) 1972 Colin Laing (conventional - period spec) 1973 Rickert (fixed-gear conversion) 1973 Raleigh Super Tourer (modified - city bike/hot rod) 1973 Charles Martin (conventional - period spec) 1973 Raleigh RRA (conventional - period spec) 1976 Masi Prestige (in progress - conventional - period spec) 1980 Raleigh Superbe (conventional - period spec) 1983 Stan Pike (conventional - period spec) 1983 McLean (conventional - period spec) 1984 Trek 770 (modified - hot rod) 1984 Trek 720 (modified - touring) 1984 Trek Custom Track (conventional - period spec) 1984 Telavio Track (in progress - conventional - period spec) 1985 Raleigh Team USA 753 (conventional - period spec) 1988 Falcon Harrier (fixed-gear conversion) 1999 Independent Fabrication Crown Jewel (modified - anti-retro modern spec) 2000 Independent Fabrication Planet Cross (conventional - modern spec) 2000 Pete Ryffranck (conventional - modern spec) 2000 Richard Sachs (conventional - modern spec) 2000 Pinarello Prince (conventional - modern spec) 2000 De Rosa Planet (conventional - modern spec) 198x Miyata Alumicross (modified - hybrid/cross)
Unassembled Bikes (frames, 90/100% components, ready to build)
1983 3Rensho (conventional - period spec) 1984 Trek 760 (conventional - period spec) 1987 De Rosa (conventional - period spec) 1989 Eddy Merckx Grand Prix (conventional - period spec)
1983 Trek 660 1986 De Rosa 1988 Schroeder 198x Chesini Olympiad 198x Ken Evans 198x Colnago Super 198x Mountain Goat Rt. 66 198x Nishiki TT (650) 1999 Voodoo Rada
Bridgestone MB-1, Bridgestone MB-2, Airborne Lucky Strike, Trek Carbon ST, Cannondale F1000, Klein Mantra FS
Oddities and Esoterica
Hutch HPV, Hutch Pro Racer, Diamond Back Formula One, Mosh Freestyle, Racelite 24 Cruiser, Giant Simple cruiser, Performance Pulse