RicK and Nick- Sorry guyz, but I have to agree with you 100%. (Dale forgive me for this attaboy) cheers Dave Anderson Cut Bank MT
In a message dated 3/18/2004 3:50:23 PM PST, richardsachs@juno.com writes: snipped: "This all becomes a part of brand identification and reality takes a back seat to our perceived image of a product. For this reason certain brands thrive on reputation alone."
very twoo! e-WICHIE chester, ct
Nick Zatezalo <nickzz@mindspring.com> writes:
> As consumers we can choose to be influenced by marketing,
> mystique, or reputation at the expense of the truth.
> Our perceptions often times cloud reality. My perception of the
> bicycle business WAS one of folks like Masi, Cinelli, DeRosa,
> Pogliaghi, and other artisans filing,brazing,and fabricating every
> frame with their name on it. Today some folks may perceive
> Colnago,Guerciotti,Lemond,& Merckx as doing the same. This
> all becomes a part of brand identification and reality takes a
> back seat to our perceived image of a product. For this reason
> certain brands thrive on reputation alone.
> Nick Zatezalo
> Atlanta,Ga