toni theilmeier wrote:
> What do I put on the rear hub of a Cambio Corsa: A very good four speed block, or a mediocre three? Were there any four sp. C/Cs at all?
> Another feather in the cap of the four is that it says "Firma Societa Italiana Catene Calibrate Regina", and "Marca Folgor Gran Sport" on it, whereas there is only an abbreviation of this on the three.
> Thanks for your advice,
> Toni "still no clue about Italian stuff" Theilmeier, Belm, Germany
Toni, based on Campagnolo's catalogs the Cambio Corsa was always a four speed derailleur (the later Paris-Roubaix was either a four or a five speed derailleur depending on the spoke disc used).
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California (Campagnolo Timeline, reprints and t-shirts)