[CR]RE: Cambio Corsa answers

(Example: Framebuilders:Alberto Masi)

From: "toni theilmeier" <Toni.Theilmeier@t-online.de>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: 20 Mar 2004 20:12 GMT
Subject: [CR]RE: Cambio Corsa answers

Thank you very much, Steven, Stevan and Chuck.

Luckily I´ve got that four speed block, I now say. The bike came with a three (which was no good at all and took a quarter of an hour´s worth of chiselling to be removed (How can anyone be so daft and fit a freewheel with the notches gone?)), that´s why I assumed it needed one.

Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.