Have your bike shop order a new one from Seattle Bike Supply (a wholesaler). Kalloy makes them... They are long - mtb size - but you can cut them off. You can polish, too, and if you have a lathe, you can get one that is a bit larger in diameter and make it a bit lighter. If only a fistful of seatpost is showing, you don't need as much wall thickness as you do for a whole foot exposed. But they can be used as is, too.
If you want an NOS alloy Simplex seatpost in 26.6 (no badge), contact me.
Jan Heine, Seattle
Vintage Bicycle Quarterly
>Hello List People,
>I am looking for a 26.6 alloy seat pin preferably in excellent to NOS
>condition. Would also like to find a seat clamp (for a Brooks saddle) to
>go with it.
>Mike (whose other hobby is British Formula cars) Short,
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