A fun and revealing thread indeed! My mostly off-topic contribution is. . .
Currently in the house:
2002 60cm Waterford 2200 w/stainless lugs 1x9 (go-fast enough for my 50-yr-old legs and lungs)
2002 59.9cm Curt-built Riv Road mostly Superbe Pro 8sp w/hammered Honjos (easily my most ridden)
In garage:
1989 Paramount fixed 42x16 w/S&S couplers
1993 XO-1 (largely non-original with Phil/Grafton/Campy/Suntour)
1971 Raleigh International (superb original except for bars and levers but got ém stashed, my most stately ride)
2003 Atlantis (commuter/second-most ridden, by a narrow margin)
1995 Riv Fixed Gear 49x19 w/Campy C-Record Pista (3rd most ridden)
1992? Pinarello Cross bike (fun fast ride with Simplex/Mavic build)
In process:
1948 Holdsworth Path Racer
2004 ANT Rohloff Special (future all-weather go anywhere)
Plus a couple of other mostly insignificant odd items which pick up as parts/projects when the complete bikes trail off. . .
Elton "They're all my favorite bike" Pope-Lance in balmy Sudbury MA