[CR]Hetchins Mixte/Hetchins Heaven Apr.17

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 07:29:33 GMT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: <brianbaylis@juno.com>
Subject: [CR]Hetchins Mixte/Hetchins Heaven Apr.17


Just some updated information about the Hetchins Mixte bike that recently came up on the list. First, It has a new owner. It's not me and not my business to say who owns it; but there is some further information available about the date of manufacture. Contrary to what may have been thought, the stay caps are not the post 1980 engraved style. They are the same flat style that appears on the other 3 late 60's mixtes. This bike shows up in Spence Wolfes' records as being sold in 1968; about the same time as the one I have was recorded. My bike and this one are equipt very simularly.

Anyway, this one is very simular to the one Jimmy has. The bike will be making an appearance at the upcomming Hetchins Heaven on Sat. Apr. 17, 2004 in Fallbrook, CA. I will be bringing mine also; so 3 of the 4 known examples will be present. We're checking the books to see if there were any other mixtes built during this period. Hope to see as many people as possible at the event. Please RSVP to me if you plan to come and haven't let me know yet. Jimmy and Helen need to now how many will attend. This year should be one of the best. Dave Martinez is planning to come down for the first time and there will be quite an abundance of Hetchins to look at. I'd like to see Daves' tandem, and I'll bring mine to compare since we haven't seen each others bikes. Plan to ride with us also, if you can.

Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA