Should we develop a FAQ for consumable parts, that could be posted to Dale's website ?? The point of a FAQ is to make the list more interesting, so only the harder questions need appear on the mailing list. Here are some possible topics.
1. Preserving brake-lever hoods
2. Contemporary brake-lever hoods still in production (we're down to Modolo & Gipiemme for Campagnolo)
3. Cabling
4. Modern tubular tires to approximate older ones
5. Tire makers in business in 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, and still in business today.
6. Spokes - when did major improvements hit the market? Chromed? Stainless? Aluminum nipples? Titanium?
6. Sources of brand-new spare parts (crank cups & axles, cones, etc.) with a focus on good-quality unbranded stuff to help keep the repair "stealth".
7. What to do about freewheels?
8. How to upgrade chainrings / do triple conversions?
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA