(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 19:32:42 EST

Brian- Why did you have to go and burst my bubble. I could have sworn that headbadge was a very rare genuine CONFRENTE Masi headbadge. I am keeping close tabs on you from now on! cheers- Dave Anderson Cut Bank MT

In a message dated 3/29/2004 3:39:59 PM PST, writes: Scott and Chuck,

The way it sounds then, the story seems to have merit and strong possibilities. I certainly would not argue with the logic of the story nor Chucks' expertise regarding the graphic design. When I first saw the 50's style badge I thought it was a post Gran Criterium badge. It sure looked futureistic compared to the black badge. I kinda like both of them.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Got the Jumbo sized of each badge to hang in the new shop. We're considering the name "Nouveau Velo Studios" for the new business. VBS and a bunch of other things are too close to existing businesses, namewise.

-- Chuck Schmidt wrote:

Scott Davis wrote:
> Ebay item number: 3668295313 <
> (cut) In a
> discussion with some Italian collectors, they claimed
> that the Masi Special Black and Silver badge was used
> 1st in the late 1940s. According to their
> conventional wisdom, a few years later, circa 1950,
> the green and brass badge 1st appeared. They claim
> that in the mid 50s the green and brass badge
> disappeared, and that the black and silver Masi
> Special type Badge once again became the official logo
> for Masi.
> Anyone have an opinion on which badge came 1st? Scott
> Davis near Milano, Italia

>From the viewpoint of graphic design the Masi Special black and silver badge would have preceded the green and brass badge design.

Chuck Schmidt
South Pasadena, Southern California