[CR]Tour De France Centennial Book

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Subject: [CR]Tour De France Centennial Book
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 16:34:04 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]Tour De France Centennial Book
Thread-Index: AcQCMGqo6GHw0lsKRQqBlVx28eDTPQ==
From: "Silver, Mordecai" <MSilver@iso.com>
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

I highly recommend The Official Tour de France: Centennial 1903-2003. It's the best book in English about the Tour that I've seen (I hope to get Peter Clifford's 1965 book someday). The photographs alone would make it worth the $30 price. But since the book was produced in collaboration with L'Equipe, they made excellent use of the archives of that paper and have great contemporary articles on each Tour.

Here's a review: http://www.cyclingnews.com/tech.php?id=tech/2003/reviews/eng_lequipebook .

Colorado Cyclist has it on sale this week for only $22 ($8 off the cover price): http://www.coloradocyclist.com/, click on "Gifts, Books, Videos."

Mordecai Silver