But Silca's are a PITA pump to use compared to a Zefal ... but they're a lot better looking, especially on a classic, lugged-steel frame.
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 13:39:40 EST, Philcycles wrote
> In a message dated 3/9/04 10:12:58 AM, stevens@veloworks.com writes:
> >For functionality, the Zefal IS the real pump.
> Huh? The only Silca that ever failed my was about 30 years old at
> the time ant it blew the top off the barrel. Stuffed it back in and
> it punped the tire up fine. I'd call that pretty functional. Phil Brown
> Got lots of them in San Rafael, Calif.
> _______________________________________________
Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
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