Hi Ken - and all...
This is an odd one I know...
Blueline was a shifter/derailleur only combination from Suntour, very much like Cyclone and offered on bikes at stock equipment in 1982 and 83. There was a short and long cage version of the rear derailleur that I've seen. Trek spec'd it on a few midlevel bikes, an 1983 Trek 560 for example. The long cage shifter and derailleur set I just sent to another listmember came off of a 1982 Zebrenko, a fine example of Japanese mid level bike.
I liked it, the Blueline stuff came stock on my 1981 Trek 6XX. I replaced the DT shifters with bar ends and the rear with a NR about two weeks after I got it because they were *cooler* <g>.
Ann Phillips, Decatur GA