RE: [CR]Now: In your face Was: Fords and Chevies

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Chris Ioakimedes" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Now: In your face Was: Fords and Chevies
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 07:06:34 -0800
In-Reply-To: <>

I've never been to Tucson, but I've spent my time in smeLA. I've ridden Angeles Crest, those are big mountains, the problem is that the smog is so thick that you can't see them until your on them. Chris Ioakimedes In Fairfax California where the best riding really is!!!

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Chuck Schmidt Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 8:28 PM To: Subject: Re: [CR]Now: In your face Was: Fords and Chevies wrote:
> > Ho, ho! It takes you an HOUR to get out of town in Tucson, Arizona?!?!
> >
> > Takes me 20 minutes here in the Pasadena area and I'm climbing up
> > Angeles Crest where I can climb from 750 ft. elevation to 7900 ft.
> > elevation in a 50 mile ride.
> > Back to you Craig... Try that in Arizona!
> > Chuck Schmidt in SoCal
> Oh boy, this is fun. Your on Chuck Ol' Boy. That's an hour SOUTH of town to
> break the sprawl. 40 minutes NORTH and I'm climbing Mt. Lemmon, 2500' to 9000'
> in 25 miles, there's not 150 million cars, and I don't have to suck in the
> smog. 50 miles to the WEST is Kitt Peak, 3000' to 7000' in 12 miles, 36 miles to
> the SW we have the Santa Ritas, a 13 mile climb from 3000' to 6000', not to
> mention a half dozen little passes around here. You head outta town farther and
> there's a dozen more ranges with 10,000' peaks, few people and lots of space.
> TA DAAAAA! Bike content: some of 'em you really need derailleurs.
> Oh man, this has got me hot for Spring Break. I'm outta here Saturday. 4 days
> touring in the White Mountains, 2 hour drive to the north.
> Toodles,
> Craig Montgomery in Tucson

Oh Craig... did I forget to mention? THE PACIFIC OCEAN IS 22 MILES WEST OF MY HOUSE??? ("150 million cars"? How 'bout 150 million Beach Babes?) Enjoy your solitude, Buddy.

Later Gator,

Chuck Schmidt in South Pasadena
