[CR]Pictures of 1972 Colnago

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 18:45:57 -0800 (PST)
From: "brad stockwell" <brdstockwell@yahoo.com>
Subject: [CR]Pictures of 1972 Colnago
To: CR List <ClassicRendezvous@bikelist.org>
In-Reply-To: <20040311065757.85350.qmail@web41213.mail.yahoo.com>

Hey Colnago Watchers:

Someone is selling a Colnago which has a fork crown with the clovers on top and the holes on the sides. The bottom bracket has a clover but no oval cutout. I think it was mentioned that this happened in 1972?

This is the first time I've seen pictures of one. Unfortunately it's a repaint and has top-tube cableguides and (double-yucky) a head-tube pump peg on it.

But I'm adding it to my notebook anyway. The pictures are: ebay item #3665212126, (COLNAGO Super Frameset - Early '70's Classic!).

Anyone have JPGs of such a bike in its original paint?

Brad Stockwell Palo Alto

dave martinez <dmart84815@yahoo.com> wrote: Hello All,

Please join us on a ride around the Woodside-Portola area on Sat. at 9:30. The meeting place is the Woodside School Auditorium in Woodside, which is on Highway 84 Woodside Rd. near Canada Rd. The route will have some hills, so something like a 42-28 should be ok, the pace will be lesiure with stops and lunch at the end. Bicycle Diversity will be the theme, in other words bring what you want, whether its your Baines Flying Gate, Zeus 2000 Super Cronos or a PHILJLRON (?).

Regards, Dave Martinez Fremont Ca

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