There are a bunch of tandems from the 1930s with internally routed
brake and derailleur cables in the latest VBQ. I think it may have
been a way by the constructeurs to distinguish their bikes from the
mass-produced wares, but that is speculation. Unfortunately, I know
next to nothing about bikes before 1933, so I can't answer the
question. The French usually routed the cable through a brazed tube,
so getting the cable in wasn't a problem.
Jan Heine, Seattle
Vintage Bicycle Quarterly
Mike Kone wrote:
Regarding internally routed cables,
I have a French Reyhand touring bike built I guess between 1936 and 1938 that has an internally routed rear deraillieur cable.
Jan Heine should be able to clarify when French tourers started using internal cables, but I suspect the date will go back to the early 30's.