Rich wrote:
The logo on top, gold 'Campagnolo' over globe decal would be appropriate for the late 60's. I have a '68 Paramount that has an identical decal on the seat tube just above the BB shell. I hope this helps.
Regards, Rich Robinson Jacksonville NC"
Regarding these decals:
< n.htm>
I have one of those colored-globe-with-gold-sig decals, and I've always thought it was some kind of aftermarket job, made much later than the it really true that this decal is correct for 60s bikes? If so, how far back would it go...i.e. when was it made, exactly? List?
Charles "you can't ever have too many authentic Campagnolo decals--and I don't have enough!" Andrews SoCal
Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.
--Kenneth Boulding