Re: [CR]Re: Bikes in the house

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

From: "jerrymoos" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Bikes in the house
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 23:28:44 -0600

OK, OK, confession is good for the soul, just hope the wife doesn't read this:


1973 LeJeune F-70 Late 60's LeJeune tandem 1972 Peugeot PX-10E Mid-70's Peugeot PX10E Mid-Late 70's Peugeot PY10? 1986 Peugeot PZ-10 1972 Follis 172 Mid 70's Motobecane Grand Record 1976? Motobecane Le Champion - strange one with the Grand Record paint scheme and very long brake reach. 1978 Motobecane Team Champion Early 80's 3 Tubes 531 DB Bertin Late 70's/ early 80's all 531 DB Bertin Early 70's Gitane Tour de France Mid 80's Mercier Bordeaux-Paris

French framesets:

Early 70's 3 tubes 531 DB Mercier - Pink Early 70's Motobecane Le Champion Late 60's top of the line LeJeune Mid-late 80's Vitus


1968 Allegro Special Late 70's/ early 80's top of line Allegro

Swiss frameset:

Late 60's/early 70's Juvela


60's Rixie touring bike


Early 80's Austro-Daimler Superleicht


Late 60's Zeus Olympic Early 70's top of line Zeus

Spanish framesets:

Early 70's top Zeus 70's? 80's? Zeus frameset from BC, a bit hard to date.


1972 Windsor Pro

Japanese (/Dutch):

Late 90's (but lugged steel) Koga-Miyata Exerciser

Japanese framesets:

Early 80's 3 Rensho Early 80's Ompax aero frameset from the listmeister


Early 90's Yukota chromed track frame.


1975 Raleigh Professional Mk IV 1972 Falcon San Remo Early (lugged) Lambert 2003 New Bates 2001 Arthur Caygill Artisan ( not quite finished) 50's Claud Butler (waiting to receive)

British framesets:

Late 70's Holdsworth Team Issue Mid-80's Falcon Late 60's? Ephgrave Early 60's Hetchins curley 40's/50's Bates Vergrandis


Mid 80's Romic custom track bike Mid-80's Romic junior road bike (24" wheels) Teledyne Titan All-chrome Schwinn Paramount Mid 80's Schwinn Duo-Sport tandem

American frameset:

Exxon Graftek

And just to show I'm a broad-minded guy, I even have a few..


1978 ALAN Competition 1981 ALAN Super Record - all Zeus 2000 1968 Legnano Tipo Roma Two 1996 or 1997 lugged steel Bianchi TSX-UL's, Celeste with Midnight Blue for me, Midnight Blue with Celeste for my wife. Hers is modern Chorus, mine C-Record. Early 90's mid-range Bianchi Pista

Italian framesets:

Late 80's repainted track frame, allegedly Tommasini Early 80's Gianni Motta Personal 2001, recently restored by Mary Pfeiffer.

Now you know why my garage is full and the cars are in the driveway


Jerry Moos
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 9:30 PM
Subject: [CR]Re: Bikes in the house

> My current collection:
> circa 1960 Bates BAR 63cm - all original with all British parts. My
> sentimental favorite. Had it for over 20 years.
> 1972 Hetchins Italia 63cm - All Nuovo Record, recently beautifully restored
> by Brian Baylis
> 1972 Rickert 63cm - Fixed gear mongrel right now
> 1960 Cinelli SC 60cm - 2nd owner, restored by Cyclart
> 1963 Carlton Flyer 63cm - 2nd owner all original, just getting it cleaned up
> again after using it as my commuter
> 1983 Ritz track - Columbus MS tubing fillet brazed by me! It's even
> straight! Angles are a little off though...
> Mid 80's Fangio - from a list member, not built yet
> 1994 Rivendell Road - All Campy 8 speed
> 2003 Bates Volante 63cm - actually there are 2, as these were wedding present
> to my wife and me. Hers is 53cm, though. Kinda cute...
> Early 90's Specialized S-Works track bike 60cm. One of only 4 ever built. I
> designed it and one of the guys in the lab built it.
> Other off topic road and mountain bikes...


> Cheers,

> Mark Ritz

> Arcata, CA