Re: [CR]Dating My First Paramount

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 04:44:30 -0600
Subject: Re: [CR]Dating My First Paramount
From: "Steven L. Sheffield" <>
To: rghandsfieldmd <>, Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <009d01c4267c$574730a0$>

On 04/19/2004 08:08 PM, "rghandsfieldmd" <> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I just purchased my first ever Schwinn Paramount. Chrome frame with a plated
> bronze Record derailleur and Schwinn Approved center pulls. The serial number
> is L829. How does one go about dating this bike and what components would it
> have been spec'd with originally.


The First Serialized Date Code

This system was used from January 1966 through 1969. It consisted of three components -

€ Month Code: This one letter code corresponds to the month with A=January, Bþbuary and so on. Because I is not used, September=J and December=M. € Year Code: This one digit code is the last digit of the year - 6 is 1966. € Sequence Number: This two digit number represents the nth frame and/or fork scheduled during the month.

For example, H763 is the sixty-third frame or fork scheduled during August of 1967.

So, in your case, L829 would be the 29th frame/fork scheduled during November 1968.

As for the spec, there are others on the list more knowledgeable than I.

Steven L. Sheffield Trying to waken from an Ambien haze in Midvale, Utah

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
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