That bike is no good! It's too small for all of you guys. And what's up with that saddle! Oh Please!! The bike is ruined. What a shame.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
Hi Tom,
Well, it looks repainted, if that's what you mean by "strange looking". The added braze ons, and the DT decals are obviously not original, is that what you intended by "quirks"?
Grant McLean(tm) Toronto.Ca
O \O/ _< \_ _< _ (_)>(_) (_)>(_)
A couple of other list members and I are looking at E-Bay item =
#3673533009 which purports to be a '60 Masi Special. There seem to be =
more than a few quirks about this bike. Another case of E-Bay high =
jinks? Very strange...
Tom Sanders
Lansing, Mi