[CR]Re - Bob's flaming april (or was that June)....

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 07:40:55 +0100
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
References: <033b01c42cb2$6d056f10$6401a8c0@steve>
From: "Bob Reid" <robertrreid@tiscali.co.uk>
In-Reply-To: <033b01c42cb2$6d056f10$6401a8c0@steve>
Subject: [CR]Re - Bob's flaming april (or was that June)....

<< Onlist >>

Thank's Your apology is accepted :-))

I must have been suffering from proliferant professional post syndrome - you can't beat a bit of old fashioned grousing (Brian B prefers famous grousing, the one secret of his paint finishes he would never divulge)

Nah keep the flame-wars onlist, it keeps Dale on his toes and stops him sneaking off to organise old bike pagents (sp?)

slightly more on topic stuff...

Is there a potential head-to-head between Chuck and Peter-K in the offing at the Cirque ? if so whose taking bets on the 'tin-can four versus Cam-pan-yo-lo' race. I'd suggest it's over an out and back flat 10 miles (in the best English dragstrip fashion)... Winner gets a Krispy Kreme, and the acquired wagers go to Dale's favourite charity.

Bob (no more, I've been outed once already in the past 24hrs) Reid Stonehaven Scotland...

p.s. And before you say where ? - it's a rural market town in the North-East of Scotland about the Size and population of e-Richie's pool. ??????????

Steve wrote ;
> I get the list by digest, at the time I wrote my message, I had received
> just the digest with the original question. In fact our answers appear in
> the same digest, Vol 16, No 10.
> So give me a break with the Duhh stuff, And learn how to read the time
> stamp
> in the email headers! There's actually only about a 2 hr difference.
> I'm replying to this On-list as you have, please keep any flames etc off-
> list,
> as I'm sure the other members haveh