The toughest part (there would be a few) of the blindfolded Sturmey reassembly would be timing the planet gears I think.
I used to do curbside rebuilds on scavenged newspaper in NYC. This was because the sintered sun gear was bad news with a 22T rear cog. You could shatter it with a good stomp in 1st gear. We carried an extra sun gear, a screwdriver, a cone wrench and an adjustable wrench just in case.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch,NJ
> There was some discussion about challenges - fast frame building, 50's SA
> vs. 50's Derailleur race. Since neither of those is likely to take
place -
> how about a demo of the blindfolded SA assembly that someone boasted
> I'll supply a swap meet SA acquisition that currently works (I think) :)
> Ben Sanford
> Falls Church, VA