I've almost recovered from my sleep deprivation of this past weekend. 5
hours a night (or less!) at my delicate age just don't cut it.
Some thoughts:
-The look on Dan Artley's face when he talks about his Honda hot rods. 16
years old again!
-The joy on Bob Hovey's face put there by his "new" Masi Special.
-Pete Weigle's glow over the "button" award to Dale.
-Harvey Sach's stepping up to the plate to assist me and Johnny Baron at the
-The look on my face when Harvey started to "sell"!
-Johnny Barron's look when he told me the amount raised at the auction. I
expected a couple of hundred bucks; maybe.
-Brian Baylis when he declared himself the son Faliero never had when he
visually caressed that bad boy 1948 track iron. Davie Staub would sure
liked see'n that one.
-Wishing I could convince the fringe to do whatever is neccessary to get to
N.C. Yes, Goodrich, Helman, Bell, Berger, Albert, etc. I'm talking to
-Mike Lebron's exhaustion on arrival and joy on winning an award. He'll be
-Jamie Swan and I just sitting on the bleachers on Sunday; taking it all
-Chasing at 25mph the "lead group" only to catch and find out it was the
"chase group". More chasing.... then "we're lost". At least I was on a 32
plus pound touring bike and not a fixed gear.
-Gentle rideing around Irving Park. NICE.
-Packing bikes yet again with B.B. in "the loft".
-Hard core negotiations with Giusseppe Bender Zannoni. The guy beat me up!
-Mikie Schmit's just being glad to be there. And bagles from Jersey! Class
act. Thanks.
-Ray Etherton's "confession. Only you and I and the Mrs. will know. But
whose Mrs.?
-Rideing Charlie Young's Death Cycle Speedwell. Are you sure the b.b. isn't
disloged fron the tubes?
-Wayne B., you lucky dog. I'm still in lust. Speeking of
-Peter Gilbert's most generous offer at the auction. Thank you.