"If Lance were on my 1948 Thrumsley Hornet Experto he would still win his sixth Tour!" or something along these lines.
Seems to be a reoccurring dream of mankind (or a certain sector of the bike riding public), along with the search for eternal youth and enlarging one's "luv muscle."
Maybe Maynard was onto something when he wrote the following: "Cycling retro looks wacko to me...I don't get it. What's with guys in their 20s and 30s, in the prime of life, lost in nostalgia?" --Maynard Hershon
I enjoy riding obsolete racing bikes and I enjoy riding current racing bikes and have never had a problem telling one from the other. While the former clearly have a undeniable charm, let's not let this cloud our vision of current bike racing conducted at the highest levels.
Chuck Schmidt South Pasadena, Southern California