CR] Is anyone racing older bikes? Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DUS-ASCII; format=3Dflowed MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v553) Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 2
Leaving the pros and elite amateurs out of the equation is probably=20 useful, so I offer this question:
Has anyone rolled up to the start line of a cat 3 or lower race on an=20 on-topic bike? How did you do? Did you feel handicapped by your bike?=20 And most importantly, what did the other racers say?
Shannon Menkveld San Diego, CA
i often do hilly road races in california, ( usually racing as a 3 or 45+), while riding lugged steel. with light wheels and campy ergo drivetrain i find no handicap at all. i can say with complete confidence that i have never not won a race because of my choice of ferrous frame material 8-).
few people comment on my choice of frames other than to tell me how pretty they are.
craig fenstermaker
carlsbad ca