I doubt that three of the creatures in the same shipment,when new would have been identical.At that time,there was a surprise in every box.Or so it seemed,Raleigh may have been the worst/best about this. Best regards, Harris Spracher Waynesboro Va.
Steven Willis <smwillis@verizon.net> wrote: The early ones did not have that little red pin that keeps the arms centered. Steven Willis 1778 East Second Street Scotch Plains NJ 07076 908-322-3330 http://www.thebikestand.com
> From: "Donald Gillies"
> > Well, I'm afraid I don't have more gasoline for exactly the fire that
> > is campagnolo super record calipers. However, I have been working on
> > restoring 3 raleighs, same year (1974), same model (international),
> > same size (23.5). I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to put together 3
> > identical grouppos for these three bikes.
> Well at least you don't have to worry about different variations of
> centerpulls.
> Or do you?
> They're all the same aren't they?
> But maybe the levers are different?
> Or just the hoods?
> BTW: Three identical Internationals? I'd make accusations of hoarding but
> they're not my size. ; )
> Pete "sowing the seeds of uncertainty" Geurds
> Douglassville, Pa