Re: [CR]Early Campagnolo SR brake levers/was Of Campagnolo Brake Leversand their shapes GPVB1@cs.com7/13/2002

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 17:27:56 +0200
From: "info" <>
To: "Thomas Reitz" <>, <>, "Eric Elman" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Early Campagnolo SR brake levers/was Of Campagnolo Brake Leversand their shapes GPVB1@cs.com7/13/2002

Hi guys!

For starters the levers are the real deal, we had several sets and sold most of them to several Japanese customers! Funny thing though, one of them said that ''MANY AMERICANS!'' do not know much about these levers, but we do! This is why I think not many Americans were bidding...Anyway I sold 1 or 2 sets on ebay and the others we're through the site........I also got many qusetions about these levers!....ARE YOU SURE THEY ARE REAL AND NOT SOME AFTER MARKET THING!...And I got those guys who thought I was pulling their leg!.......I told them, well get educated! because they are for reals. And there was those guys who said I have a lot of those very same levers! Sure, send me a photo and let me see! Sorry to say they were not! So he said what's the difference! I said look, it's all in the ''DETAILS!'' Anyway I would say that they were produced in volumn and was dristributed in mass numbers here in Europe! Because the ones we had came off of several depleted but still new and unused Legnano framesets.......that once were complete bikes. All was left on these framesets was the H-bars and stems along with the ''BRAKE LEVERS!'', front derailleurs and seat post. Other than that they were hanging in a sorry state!......Sometime this summer we'll be rescuing the last of these very ''SAD PUPPIES!''

Baron C.......And the gang!!
Renaissance cycles
Eindhoven Holland.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Eric Elman
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 00:51:13 -0400



\r?\n>These are definately original early Campagnolo SR levers. I have a set on

\r?\n>my almost totally original, one previous owner, Raleigh Team Pro with serial

\r?\n>number SB19. That dates it to very early 1974 just after the Raleigh

\r?\n>Ilkeston shop opened. This particular bike also has its original Campagnolo

\r?\n>SR rear derailleur with a patent date of 1973 so I believe it is reasonable

\r?\n>to conclude that these were the levers supplied with the very earliest SR



\r?\n>Eric Elman

\r?\n>Somers, CT



\r?\n>----- Original Message -----

\r?\n>From: "Thomas Reitz" <>

\r?\n>To: <>

\r?\n>Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:03 PM

\r?\n>Subject: Re: [CR] Of Campagnolo Brake Levers and their shapes





\r?\n>Hello everybody,


\r?\n>i have this levers.

\r?\n>NOS mounted on a bike, and used.


\r?\n>Here is the picture from the NOS lever :




\r?\n>The required measurement is 4 mm.


\r?\n>These levers exist. I start an auction a few weeks ago with this levers in

\r?\n>used condition. The result was a few angry mails, that these levers are

\r?\n>fake, so I ended up the auction earlier.


\r?\n>So the discussion is opened again : Are these levers real ?

\r?\n>Campagnolo did produce them.

\r?\n>Maybe they were only sold in European.


\r?\n>My E-Bay ID is karlhesselbach.


\r?\n>Best Regards from Wiesbaden, Germany


\r?\n>Thomas Reitz


\r?\n>What really matters is what any particular Manufacturer actually produced


\r?\n>sold to the public in volume (we're not talking one-off protos. here



\r?\n>Personally, I never believe something just because I saw it in print. I

\r?\n>always want real-world data.


\r?\n>Question to all 700-plus listmembers: has anyone on this list ever held in

\r?\n>their hand a "long-reach" Super Record brake lever that measures 4mm from


\r?\n>top of the front logo border to the top of the lever stamping? If so, please


\r?\n>come forward now or forever hold your peace....


\r?\n>(Dramatic pause...).


\r?\n>I rest my case.


\r?\n>Greg Parker

\r?\n>A2 MI USA


\r?\n>*before computers


\r?\n>Tom D. wrote:


\r?\n>> Subject: Re: [CR] Of Campagnolo Brake Levers and their shapes

\r?\n>> To:



\r?\n>> With all due respect, I think the giveaway is visible from virtually any

\r?\n>> angle. The major dimensional difference may be in the angle at the top of


\r?\n>> the blade, but the curves are different and the width of the blade is

\r?\n>> different. There was a Benotto catalog that also depicted a long-reach SR


\r?\n>> lever, I'll try to find a link.

\r?\n>> Tom Dalton

\r?\n>> Bethlehem, PA

\r?\n>> Richard M Sachs <> wrote: delayed reply...

\r?\n>> greg's right. that's why i think the pic of the

\r?\n>> raleigh with sr levers is deceiving; the 'giveaway'

\r?\n>> is not visible from the perspective that the picture

\r?\n>> was shot in.

\r?\n>> e-RICHIE

\r?\n>> still in chesta'




\r?\n>> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 16:10:46 EDT writes:

\r?\n>> > Also, the distance from the top of the logo border on the front of

\r?\n>> > the lever

\r?\n>> > stamping (weren't they stamped?) to the top of the lever is much less on


\r?\n>> the early lever, as

\r?\n>> > they

\r?\n>> > just left more material on the finished lever to make the later

\r?\n>> > style..... I

\r?\n>> > just measured a pair of each, and the distances are 4mm and 6.5 mm

\r?\n>> > respectively on the parts I checked. Very visible to the eye, even

\r?\n>> > more so if

\r?\n>> > you have one of each style to observe side by side.

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> > Personally, I've never seen early-type ("long-reach") Production SR

\r?\n>> > brake

\r?\n>> > levers. I'm fairly confident that they had made that change before

\r?\n>> > SR

\r?\n>> > debuted. Also, I assume folks know that the holes were pierced in

\r?\n>> > the SR

\r?\n>> > levers before forming, and that the SR lever is slightly heavier

\r?\n>> > than an "N"

\r?\n>> > R due to thicker material to make up for the weakening due to the

\r?\n>> > holes!!

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> > Greg Parker

\r?\n>> > A2 MI USA

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> > From: Tom Dalton

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> > > Subject: Re: [CR]Of Campagnolo Brake Levers and their shapes

\r?\n>> > > To:

\r?\n>> > >

\r?\n>> > >

\r?\n>> > > Like I said, maybe I'm just imagining this...

\r?\n>> > > But seriously, I think the difference is not at all subtle and can

\r?\n>> > be

\r?\n>> > > easily seen whether or not the lever is mounted in the body or the

\r?\n>> > body is

\r?\n>> > > on the bar, or whatever. The lower end of the older lever is more

\r?\n>> > pointy,

\r?\n>> > > the compound curve is more dramatic (like a higher amplitude sine

\r?\n>> > wave).

\r?\n>> > > Tom Dalton

\r?\n>> > > Bethlehem, PA

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> >

\r?\n>> > > Richard M Sachs wrote: i don't think you

\r?\n>> > can tell

\r?\n>> > > the lever 'type' from the radius.

\r?\n>> > > the main giveaway is evident when the blade is

\r?\n>> > > not in the body; the shape of the casting at its

\r?\n>> > > uppermost point is very different.

\r?\n>> > > e-RICHIE

\r?\n>> > > chester...