All the opinionated b.s. being crafted as "lively debate" lately, craft or no, is still utter b.s. Kindly stop. Hell, I've been roundly thrashed by a lot of you guys for a lot less. Why not chill out and go ride your PX10's or Rossin-built whatevers or even (shudder) "off-topic" bikes?
Dale "not presuming to be the OTHER Dale" Phelps Los Gatos CA (this week)
p.s. "on-topic" content: spoke with Nick at Lloyds about the three-color Hetchins script last week. It's close to done. Who on the CR list is brokering this deal I need two (and spares) to finish my 60's Opus/Bonum (fleur-de-lys tangs soldered on after lug brazing at assembly by Alf or whomever notwithstanding)
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